And Here Comes The Day

I've been working hard to be prepared for this day, the day that the association will be doing its first steps into our High School. They've sent two representatives to come up to the school. I and my teammates along with other groups have been preparing everything and we've tried to provide all the appropriate conditions to this association and thus give a good image about Nabheni High School and set it as an example
Emel Tounes representatives were at the deadline and we were all happy to see them coming in. They had represented their association to all students in there; goals, achievements... They were working hard since 2011/2012 to collect corks in coordination with many other associations and commissions. They just do it to make others happy not for fame and reputation, I'll let you now with some pictures of the interview with the association:

Aymen Felhi
 IWWF Project member

Contact Informations:
Google Hangout/GTalk/Google+:Aymen Felhi
Facebook: Aymen F'h

Aymen Felhi Web Developer

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