Tourist Poster

Tourist Poster


 In need of break?
I think Tunisia is what you're looking for! There you can enjoy your vacation and have a good time with your family and friends.
If you're one of those who love nature, you won't find a place better than the Tunisian North. Is there a more beautiful than the lush green plains of Kef? Or more inspiring than Jandouba's waterfalls?? Or maybe you want to breath a fresh air in the picturesque nature of Beja and enjoy traditional sweets?
If you're not one of those who like green environment, then we have other choices -- we have the yellow environment, and by that I obviously mean the fascinating Tunisian Desert. I don't think that all this sand and desert waves will not seduce you especially that you'll get a rare opportunity to see the diverse desert animals there. Not only this, you can actually participate in the desert festivals there such as Douz International Festival. 
Didn't you like the green environment of Tunisian North and the deserts? well you sure love recreation. Do not worry, you can find what will bring your interest, too. I advice you then to go to Hammamet where you can find five-star hotels with a very professional service. Djerba would be a good choice too, of course it is as it's called the dream island. 
What are you waiting for? visit Tunisia!


Aymen Felhi Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.


  1. If I were a tourist I would love to see some pictures of the places you're describing.

    1. Ah yeah, I still have time to add pictures BEFORE a real tourist reads my poster :p
