Suggestions for the School Website


As we're currently working on the establishment of our school website, I wanted to make sure that I put my suggestions on the table.
First of all, on the first page (the home page) only a welcome message should be displayed. This welcome message will informations about the website and/or the school as whole such as:
  • Historical informations about the high school (when was it established, past directors etc.)
  • Ways to contact the administration (phone numbers and so on)
  • Hosters of the website and its administrators
  • Purpose of the creation of the website
  •  etc
The home page should be well designed along with using a sophisticated linguistic style.

Now moving to the web pages-- I've been thinking about creating those web pages as they seemed, in my opinion, important:
  • STAFF: This web page will be divided in two: "School Administration Staff" and "Website Staff" or "Website Administrators". School Administration Staff will contain the headmaster, administration officials that deals with access cards, nursing officer, school director. The roster of Website Administrators will, as the title says, contain the list of website administrators and hosters.
  • INFORMATION CENTER: Any announcement, whether issued by the school director or any other entity, should be posted on the web page. An example of this announcements is the CSS week and before-CSS week.
  • CONTACT US: A web page where all the ways on how to contact any school official entity will be posted in there.
  • FAQ: "FAQ" is an abbreviation of the word frequently asked questions. Surely, you or your parent will have questions on mind but they can't find answers. Well this section will solve it all. If anyone has any questions, he will almost find the answers in there.
  • CLUBS: This web page diverges into X amount of sections depending on the number of clubs we have. For example if we have a Handball Club and a Radio Club then it will be diverged into two sections. Each club section will contain informations on how to join this club, and news related to it so that the public gets updated with anything that occurs.
  •  STUDENT LIFE: Students will get the chance to write anything they want there, or write anything that they faced on a certain day or period. This web page can have a post verification option so that any post in there will need to be approved by an Administrator to avoid the use of a offensive language(s).
  • ALBUMS: Album of photos reated to the school
  • PARENT ZONE: A section designed for parents who have any questions or inquiries of if they want to share something.
  • NEWS & EVENTS: Title says it all. Any event or any news will need to be published in here.
  • SCHOOL PRESS: I guess we should have a school press so why not having Press Releases section? it'd be wonderful!  

Oh and yeah, we should make sure that NO COPYRIGHTS are being violated. The common violations are the use of other entity(ies) Graphics without the owner(s) approval(s).

Those are just few ideas. I will update this post when I have more!
Aymen Felhi Web Developer

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1 comment :

  1. Very rich list of suggestions, many of the ideas you listed appeal to me and sound plausible!
