Activity 1:
Watch this video about sharing work and write a post about what you learned. [✓]
Sometimes we react harshly when one of our colleagues copy a paragraph we wrote without even asking permission and/or claims it's his/her own. I guess the same criteria applies when it comes to people stealing/using your own made GFX/designs. Everything in the internet could be easily exploited especially pictures and stuff. It's not like any of the hand-made pictures you create in real life, because most-likely no one can steal your copy and it doesn't get disclosed unless you give it to one of your friends or something. It became really annoying for graphic designers to see their work being stolen that's why copyright policies are there to prevent such things from happening. However, if you don't have the potential to create fancy images like the ones in the internet, there are designs that use the CC policies (creative commons) according to the terms of the liscenced work . Generally, it's rotated between whether you can use the image for financial purposes without owner's permission, or you can use his image but you'd have to credit him, and things alike.
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