When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom

When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom

Harriet, a woman who had been for a long time a salve on the south, was born on 1820 on a region where slavery is all what people know. 

Slaves were owned by masters, just like pets. They were deprived from the most basic meanings of life such as their family, their birthdate etc. Harriet lived in a poor and small village, and despite her young age which doesn't qualify her to do such tasks as those she was doing, she worked like grown ups in the cutten fields and never went to school.
Things took another turning point when Harriet had an accident; a slave was trying to run towards the north, but a white man tried to stop him and threw an object to block him which, inadvertently, hit Harriet and let a scar on her head. This scar left a deep pain in the girl, the more from the inside than the outside, that pain that will blow Harriet's will to go through the path of freedom. Months later, she processed to do what she always wanted to do and escaped to the north where there is no slavery, where she can feel like a human being. The railroad to the north was that shining light of freedom, but it was pretty dangerous. After facing the difficulties and hiding from a house to another, Harriet finally reached her destination, and thus achieved what men were unable to do. She quickly adopted with the atmosphere there as she got a job in a hotel. With the passage of time, Harriet started to deport slaves from the south to the north surreptitiously and became a hindrance for salves masters, who were offered big prizes just to capture her, but she never got caught, fortunately. This woman who wrote her name with golden letters as an example of the struggling woman who love freedom, proved that there is so many ways to fight slavery. During the civil war, she worked as a spy for the north as she has a big knowledge of the place in which she lived for many years, and she provided them with valuable information that played a crucial role in the war. Harriet was also a nurse and helped the war injuries. 

After a march full of adventures and sacrifices, Harriet died on 1913, at the age of 93 years old, but she's still alive with us today with her achievements, she lives in the heart of every black who was in a certain period a slave.

Aymen Felhi Web Developer

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